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제목 일본에서 온 편지 등록일 2003.12.15 00:00
글쓴이 Shalom 조회 2680
지난 주말 송년잔치에서 백만 송이 장미를 어슬프게 부른 샬롬입니다.

다들 준비하시면서 수고많으셨어요?
특별히 사무국 직원 및 가족들, 몇몇의 fellow들은 끝나고 나서도 뒷정리며, 바닥 밀대질이며
음식찌꺼기가 흐르는 50여개의 큰 접시를 분류하여 반납하는 등...
숨은 손길들에 의해 LEX가 아름답게 커가는 것을 느꼈답니다.

다음의 글은 지난번 fellow들의 일본 연수가 끝난후에 CELULAS 의 코디에게
사진을 보냈더니 회신온 이멜입니다.

CELULAS도 여러 나라와 교류하고 있는 것 같아서 참고로 소개합니다.

Dear Shalom,
Thank you so much for your mail and photos.
I really enjoyed the family(we call it piaza) that
many Korean fellows joined.
I am glad to know that you had the explanation meeting
for new members. I hope you will have several new
members who are very powerful for LEX.
We would like to thank you LEX Korea for hosting
many our members. I actually have three piazas
(familes) a week, Tuesday morning, Tuesday evening
and Friday evening. One of my Tuesday morning
members whose name is Shiho Hirayabu will join
the Homestay Program in Korea this December.
But I know most of members very well since
CELULAS is still a very small organization.
I will be a hostfamily for Italian man next January
and February, and German couple next April.
Please get in touch with me next time you visit Japan
and stay with us if it is OK for you.
So I wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Kazue Sasakura (kachusha)

talen (2003.12.16 00:00)
hi!!! i hope you are a good lucky. beforelong i want to visit your country. see you. 삭제