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제목 guest 영국 대학생의 편지와 시 등록일 2010.07.26 00:11
글쓴이 hanna 조회 1875

To the kim family
Thank you so very much for my time with you. This has been without doubt my favorite part of my trip to Korea. Your family is very beautiful and friendly. I very much hope to see you again and to retwn to Korea. much love and best wishes.
<guest 콜막이 쓴 시 >
A kind word and hand,
from one edge to another.

A reach across one world,
a warm embrace.

A bond built,
a song sung ,
a refrain to hold
and hear
the soul alive in our ears.

This time is placed in the safety of my heart always.
시의 확실한 뜻은 모르겠으나 대충 홈스테이의 좋은 경험을 나타 낸것 같아요. 맞나요?
다음글 | 애이미와 2박3일 (2)